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2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 3:56 pm
by MisterHentai
Whilst we still got December to go until the end, looking back at the year currently and especially in the past few weeks has highlighted something that is very common throughout. :think:

Is it me, or has 2014 thus far been one of the most amazingly hilarious in seeing a lot of new games, especially those considered to be high-profile releases, having so many issues and troubles? :pi:

Take a few examples here, Assassin's Creed: Unity, Driveclub, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Watch Dogs, Sonic Boom .... etc. I mean sheesh, so many new games launches that turned out to be disappointing or just plain full out broken messes, and thus a lot of work is needed to be done to fix them. I thought Battlefield 4 was bad last Autumn/Winter, but now.... holy crap! :facepalm:

What in the fuck is going on? A lot of the big name developers and publishers are botching left and right. Ubisoft has certainly been at the forefront this year :lol:. And you ever wonder why the Indies are becoming more successful, though not without some troubles themselves i.e. like that moron who threatened to kill Gabe Newell recently as one of the biggest :LOL: stories for it's stupidity.

With the amount of money and costs that gets thrown around, tangled in all round with this sloppiness, you ever wonder where the current games industry is heading :?. Even financial troubles have certainly hit some big names too because of their own stupid business decisions i.e. Capcom. :P

The first year for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One generation will certainly go down well in history. :evillaugh: :LOL:

So yes, please discuss your hilarious botched-filled games stories of this year.

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 4:49 pm
by raidergale
What happened with Halo MCC? I've read it was bad but nobody explained why :lol:

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 5:03 pm
by MisterHentai
The Day One 15-20GB patch would be for one. To unlock multiplayer and fix some issues, and they still continue to release more patches since then, Matchmaking issues being their recent one.

I mean, it's understandable considering the amount of games in the collection, each with their own potential and game specific problems that may arise for both their single player and multiplayer components, but holy crap!

It's nice that the current console hardware is more PC-like, but with it, comes typical MASTURRACE problems with the games. :LOL:

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:54 pm
by Bluej97
MisterHentai wrote:The Day One 15-20GB patch

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 12:47 am
by Dazzy
I feel sorry for those that bought it but have really slow internet.

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 4:41 am
by RoxasKennedy
Even if Q3/4 of this year had some quite good games like Alien: Isolation and Bayo 2, yeah, this whole year was terrible.

Most hilarious fucking moments of this year would either have to be XBone Raider, Dazdazins Creed Schauma and the tragically hilarious ending to the Sonic WiiU trilogy :LOL:


Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:05 am
by MisterHentai
They couldn't fit the multiplayer on the disc since it was used up, hence why the massive patch, itself a whole disc's worth, so did they not think to put it on a 2nd disc?

I guess it was that expensive for manufacturing costs huh? I mean come on M$, it's you and Halo, your own frigging IP that put your hardware on the map, so how cheapskate and stupid can you be?

Alien: Isolation was not without some funny bugs too, some even game breaking, and when you really think about the gameplay, it uses some cheapness tactics and is quite scripted at times too.

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:33 pm
by MisterHentai
Seems like The Crew is going to be as equally disappointing judging by some early impressions. :LOL: :evillaugh:

So since 2014 is unanimously, Year of Ubisoft, and 2013 to an extend was EA (Battlefield 4, SimCity), who will take 2015 for brokenness? Activision? :LOL:

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 11:57 pm
by RoxasKennedy
MisterHentai wrote:So since 2014 is unanimously, Year of Ubisoft, and 2013 to an extend was EA (Battlefield 4, SimCity), who will take 2015 for brokenness? Activision? :LOL:

I fucking hate Activision, they should get what they deserve :rage:

oh and thank god I dodged a bullet with the Crew

Re: 2014 ..... W.....T......F!

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:02 am
by raidergale
I told you not to get it :LOL: It's apparently full of microtransactions and the handling is awful... which is not nice for a driving game :pi: